Monday, February 21, 2011

A Week In Review

This past week was slightly crazy, but definitely rewarding.

See the man in the white shirt in the lower left corner?
That's the farmer in my seat while I'm up in the suite.

The farmer, LouBob, my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and I attended a Pacer's vs. Heat game. You know, the one with the amazing full court pass. It was a great game, even though at first I thought the Heat were going to wipe the floor with our Pacers. They did beat us, but only after a lot of screaming on my part. LouBob got her autograph of Larry Bird and the farmer was given a Larry Bird bobble head up in the swanky suite. We sat on the floor, 7th row. Pretty fine seats! But poor farmer's ticket was up in a suite. Ha! He did bring LouBob up during the third quarter and me during the fourth. And I'm telling you they serve AMAZING coconut cake up there! Thank you, Farm Bureau, for the tickets! What a game!

I'm second from right in the top row.

I was honored to be invited to a meeting with fellow Hoosier bloggers with Lieutenant Governor Becky Skillman at her office in the State House. It was a great hour-long question and answer session. I warned a fellow blogger that I would sit in the back and let others ask the questions. I kept my word. But my pen was ready and ears were attentive. The heated topic was school lunches. (We were a room full of moms.) The words of advise from the Lieutenant Governor was that we are a strong voice if we choose to speak. Those decisions are made at the local level, not the state, so it's our responsibility as moms to make our voice heard to our local school boards. So if you wish your school's food was healthier or more local, speak up. Not only are you doing a good thing for your child, your doing a good thing for a local farmer.

Then, Saturday...
If you hadn't heard, ice came and covered Indiana two weeks ago. I lead a women's ministry for my church called Chix, and the ice messed up our plans. We had a one-day retreat planned for that Saturday, the 5th. Almost 90 women were planning to attend. I was nervous and excited. But after about a million emails back and forth to the church, we had to cancel. We rescheduled for this Saturday. In the end, 73 women were able to come to the rescheduled day. I was pleased with that number. Someone asked me last night how it went. My response was, "It's not the right time to ask me, yet." My neck and shoulders still ache from the tension. But really it was a great day. Great sessions, wonderful worship times, so much laughter and a lot of yummy food. I kept sneaking over to the dessert table for another bite. For me, the day was a blur, but the surveys say the attendee experienced a God-filled day. A success. The best part of the day for me was the note jotted down on the paper table covering. It said, "This has been a wonderful Christian experience. Thank you, all who have worked to put on the retreat for all women of Faith." And I say thank you too, to the over 20 women and teens who made the Chix One Day a success! Now Kesiah, you can have your baby. (She led a session with only 4 days till the wee one was due!) But most importantly, thank you, God, for your presence and strength.


  1. I honestly forget the Pacers exist. lol I should get to a game sometime!

    And I'm glad you could reschedule your retreat. I expected a retreat I went to this weekend to be refreshing, but it was exhausting---in a good way. In that I-encountered-God-and-he-wiped-me-out kind of way. :)

  2. Rachel, I'm glad your retreat was good in that way. Retreat should have a second meaning, somehow including exhaustion in the definition. :)

  3. Awesome!! It was so amazing to meet so many other bloggers in Indy - wish we could have connected more! :)

  4. I wanted to thank you for coming to the Statehouse. This is the first time I’ve done a roundtable like this, but I’m glad I did. If ever I needed a group of advisers, I certainly have a group of knowledgeable, clever and creative women to call upon.

    Beth – You are very talented. Please continue to blog, especially about your experience living on a farm. You are helping to keep the agriculture industry strong for future generations.

    Becky Skillman
