Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Week in Pictures 3

I'm trying to catch up on my reading, but writer's keep writing new, interesting books faster than I can read.
VBS started today. Here's our VBS princess!
Kelsey and I took Jaena to IWU to register for classes. Like usual, Jaena wouldn't let me take a picture of her. So here's one of Kelsey instead. She sat in the McConn Coffee Shop area and read her book all day. Jaena's registered for voice lessons, piano class, and music theory among other classes. She's excited about spending her days studying music. You can tell by how big Kelsey is smiling, right?
We stopped by Ivanhoe's, in Upland, IN, on the way home for shakes and sundaes. Delicious!
 Porch-time with Jen and Jody. I forgot to take a picture. So here's a picture of my lovely porch instead.

I finished "Flight Behavior" by Karen Kingsolver. It's well written, but I don't agree with her on everything. I think she's the only writer that could make me wade through so much science to know the end of the story though.

 I finished my Something Red sweater. I love how it turned out, but it needs a special button. I haven't found the perfect one yet.

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