Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Thought to Ponder

Tonight while driving home I was listening to a past Midday Connection podcast http://www.moodyradio.org. The guest, Jane Rubietta, http://www.janerubietta.com/ made a comment that tug at my heart. She said,

"Women who are loved become lovable and loving."

I started thinking...

Who are the women in my life that I love and do they feel loved by me?
Do I show unconditional love or is it love on my terms?
Do I move beyond my selfishness to love them as they need loved?
How am I going to love better tomorrow?

What about you? Who do you love and how are you doing at loving them?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention, Beth! We so enjoyed our time with Jane Rubietta on Midday Connection. If you're interested, you can listen to the programs again on our website: www.middayconnection.org

    Lori Neff
    Midday Connection Producer
