Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly To Do List

  • pray I've been struggling through some reevaluating of my priorities lately. Struggling would be a good word for it. One thing I've come to realize is that I say I believe prayer works. So I need to do it more. The Bible tells us to: "Pray without ceasing." What does that mean? I think too much of the time I use that as an excuse to pray whenever I think about it, which ends up being a lot less than I should. Whatever happened to setting aside time to pray? So that's a goal this week. Pray throughout my day, but also set aside some time specifically to pray.
  • write I'm one of those crazy people who signed up for NaNoWriMo. What was I thinking?! So now I'm supposed to write over 1,500 words a day every day in November. Did I not just lose my head? I have kids. I have commitments. I have a life. I have a blog, for goodness sakes! But hey, one of my life goals is to write a novel. Wait till you see the garbage 50,000 words in one month can produce. I may have written the novel, but it's going to take years to revise and edit!
  • knit This week I want to finish the scarf I'm making as a doorprize for the Chix OneDay in February. Check out our new website! I'm excited about this scarf.This year's OneDay's theme is Wonderful World. So I'm knitting the scaft from yarns from every continent. (okay, not Artica and Antartica) I figure I'll need some knitting to calm me down after a few hours of writing. Between it and prayer maybe I'll survive.
  • sing last night during church I sat listening to the music, then the sermon, and I realized something. When I lose my desire for music, to sing, something is seriously wrong with my soul. I haven't felt like singing much. And my soul aches. So I'm going to turn on the IPod and sing along. I might even sit down at the piano or pull out the violin. (The cat hates when I play my violin.) Beware. Stay far away from the clunking, screeching sounds!
  • cook, clean, laundry, bills Pugh! Who needs to do those things.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've got a busy week ahead. But I'm sure prayer will help and it will all get done somehow.
